bay surgery


March 15, 2023

More to Weight Loss Than Just Numbers on Scales

Health is not a number. It’s not your age, your weight, or your BMI.

Health is more than a simple number, and weight loss is more complex than simply helping you achieve a more satisfying figure on the scales.

If you are struggling to lose weight and your weight is affecting your quality of life, weight loss surgery can lead to a wide range of improved health outcomes. The kilos you hope to lose are just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are some significant health benefits the team at Tauranga’s Bay Surgery loves to see with our patients who undergo weight loss surgery.

Reduced risk of heart disease

Heart disease is a serious condition affecting many New Zealanders, and obesity dramatically increases your risk of developing heart disease. Weight loss can improve your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and amount of fat around the heart – all of which significantly improve your heart function and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Relief from joint pain

Extra weight puts stress onto your joints and can lead to chronic pain and arthritis. Weight loss surgery takes some of the additional stress off your joints, and even modest amounts of weight loss can lead to significantly reduced pain and improved mobility.

Improved blood sugar levels

Your body produces the hormone insulin to regular sugar in your bloodstream, but when high blood sugar levels become chronic, insulin’s effectiveness can decline. This can lead to type 2 diabetes, a condition associated with a range of adverse health outcomes.

With weight loss, your body needs less insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, which leads to improved blood sugar control. This is one of the most significant and life-changing effects of weight loss surgery.

A good night’s sleep

If your weight is getting in the way of restorative sleep, it will affect your quality of life and your mental health. It’ll also stop you from having the energy you need to make healthy lifestyle changes, making weight loss nearly impossible.

Plus, obesity is a risk factor for sleep apnoea, which is you have shallow breathing, or even pause in between breaths, during sleep. Weight loss surgery can transform the quality of your sleep, improve your energy levels, and even reverse the symptoms of sleep apnoea.

Robust mental health

Obesity can lead to low self-esteem, limited mobility, and a decreased quality of life, all of which have a significant effect on mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. With weight loss surgery, patients often enjoy a renewed sense of self and a new lease of life. When you feel better mentally, you can enjoy your life to the fullest again.

Forget the scales – improved health is the true goal

To benefit from reduced risk of chronic disease, better sleep, and improved mental health, book a consultation with Dr Daniel Mafi, and see if weight loss surgery is right for you. Bay Surgery’s consult room is found at the Tauranga Specialist Centre in Tauranga South.