bay surgery


June 17, 2024

The Road to Recovery After Hernia Surgery

Hernia surgery is a common procedure aimed at repairing a weakness in the abdominal wall. At Bay Surgery in Tauranga, Dr. Daniel Mafi specializes in performing hernia surgeries, ensuring patients receive the best care possible. Understanding what to expect after hernia surgery can help ease any concerns and ensure a smooth recovery.

Understanding Hernias

A hernia occurs when there is a weakness in the muscles of the abdominal wall, allowing abdominal contents, such as intestines or fatty tissue, to protrude through the muscles. This can result in a visible bulge under the skin and may cause pain. Hernias can develop due to a specific traumatic event, previous surgery (incisional hernia), or more commonly, a combination of naturally occurring anatomical weaknesses, everyday wear and tear, and inherited genetic changes. Most hernias occur in the groin area, accounting for about 75% of cases.

Immediate Post-Surgery Care

After hernia surgery, most patients can go home a few hours following the procedure. The surgical wound will be covered with a waterproof dressing, which should be left on for at least three days and no more than five days. The wound is typically closed with dissolving stitches, so there is no need for stitch removal.

Encouraged Mobility and Activity

Mobility and light activity are encouraged after hernia surgery, but it's important to take a graded approach to returning to normal activities. Walking during the first week is fine, and most activities can be resumed by the end of the second week. However, if you have had open surgery, heavy lifting (more than 5kg) should be avoided until the end of the fourth week.

Driving and Insurance Considerations

Driving should be avoided until you can perform an emergency brake without hesitation, which typically takes at least 7 to 10 days post-operation. Additionally, check with your insurance company, as they may have restrictions on coverage for a specific period post-operation.

Returning to Work

Most patients find that they can return to work about one week after surgery. If needed, request a work certificate from your doctor to confirm your recovery period.

Follow-Up and Long-Term Care

Follow your surgeon’s advice for follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing. If you experience any complications, such as increased pain, swelling, or signs of infection, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

By understanding these aspects of hernia surgery recovery, patients can better prepare for the procedure and take the necessary steps to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. At Bay Surgery, Dr. Daniel Mafi and his team are dedicated to providing excellent care and support throughout your hernia surgery journey.